Comprehensive execution of construction and installation work at the Katyn Museum in Warsaw - Aluglass - Realizacja

Comprehensive execution of construction and installation work at the Katyn Museum in Warsaw

Comprehensive execution of construction and installation works during the execution of the task “Adapting the foundation chamber of the Muzeum Katyńskie (Katyń Museum) headquarters into a conference room” commissioned by the Polish Army Museum. Works in the full scope of branches: construction, electrical, multimedia and sanitary. Additional works included rebuilding and landscaping the area in the area of the caponiere (modernisation of the scarp).

The scope of works in the Conference Hall included:

– execution of reinforced concrete walls in coloured architectural concrete,

– construction of a monolithic reinforced concrete raised floor,

– execution of a suspended ceiling made of wood-like material,

– carrying out electrical, multimedia, ventilation and sanitary works.

The scope of work for the slope repair included:

– removal of old earth layers,

– execution of structural reinforcement with incorporation of new earth layers,

– planting greenery.


By Adrian Grycuk – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 en/Wikimedia Commons